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The project started from the products which we use frequently but only have a short life span. The observation and records show the colour fading and the item become deformed, piling and frayed. I want to keep and extend their beauty before discarding them to the bin. The chunky wool yarn represents the thick objects like cleaning sponges, metal yarns, plastic yarn and fine yarn to express different consumption. The strong contrast between the thickness, texture and colour of the different materials really interests me.

People can choose their favourite design components to create their garment. Due to the detachable structures of the clothes, they can replace the broken part with a new piece and add the newest fashion elements which updated by seasons. I believe using the concept from consumption to create the workshop aprons is more closer to the consumers’ life will attract them to participate in co-design. I want to develop the relationship between product and consumer to make a long durability apron that can be endlessly be adapted, connected, assembled and replaced. 

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